Thursday, April 7, 2011

Strong to the Finish

 I wrote this poem a few weeks ago for my creative writing class. But I also wrote it...because I needed to.

Strong to the Finish

Pale petal lips whisper the names
to the humid darkness.
The flickering flash of those black and white caricatures,
glimmers across glossy diamond-blue eyes,
fixed like sunken pebbles into ghost-pale gaunt flesh.
Slumped in the strong, sad arms of her weary mother,
I am utterly helpless, and I feel a fool,
my head puffed up with fancy medical words
that cannot begin to wrap their starched tongue around
such sacred and tender sorrow,
that oozes a guttering flame of desperate hope,
boldfaced and delicate in the face of
such monstrous, frigid, ruthless judgment:
“less than three percent survival rate.”

And at that moment,
all I wish for is a can of magical green stuff
that a certain sailor carries in his back pocket,
to push through that slinky IV tube,
like an emerald river of strength;
to pulse a puff of spring
into a dying body made of winter.


  1. Beautiful. I love how putting it on paper makes it a little less heavy in our souls.

  2. So beautifully written Miss Stephanie! God has given you such a wonderful way to express words. It is evident He has placed you in people's lives "for such a time as this!"
